Thursday, December 7, 2006

Tears of a Clown

Bush Senior Breaks Down

Driven into dotage by the pressure of having George W Bush for a son, George Sr. breaks down in public whist ostensibly lauding other, smarter, son - Jeb Bush's dignity in both victory and defeat.

Sr. knows that this surely is the end of the Bush dynasty. Never again will a Shrub sit astride world politics like Jabba the Hutt dropping turds into a coke bottle.

Celebration is subdued but heartfelt.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Dropping like flies

First Rummy then Bolton - like rats leaving a sinking ship.

Tony Snow in black pin stripe zoot suit talking like a man with a paper asshole.

Rummy wanted to cut and run too? Who the fuck is running this war?

What really aggravates me about this whole thing is the incompetence of the so-called war mongers.

Frist is gone, John Kerry somehow doesnt know he's gone, Hillary in battle axe mode ain't gonna be president. Will Gore forget he's gone? Will John Edwards and Jim Webb lead the class war? Is John McCain insane? or just a Republican all along?

Keith Olbermann said "Shavian like Shaw" today on his show discussing the pygmalion quality of Paris bringing High Culture to Britney.

Who the fuck really are Mitt Romney and Evan Bayh? Romney's a Massachusetts Mormon, formerly Moderate but running far right. Evan Bayh is the weekend anchor on WABC in Indy.

The quality of political discourse on the net is rather poor. We are the exception.